r3kind1e - Cybersecurity Insights and Penetration Testing

「The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.」


Ice Deploy & hack into a Windows machine, exploiting a very poorly secured media server. Kali Linux : Target IP Address : Recon Scan and enumerate our victim! Depl...


Blue IP Address : Recon Scan the machine. (If you are unsure how to tackle this, I recommend checking out the Nmap room) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ┌──(root㉿kali)-[...

Social Engineering

Host & Network Penetration Testing: Social Engineering This course covers Social Engineering fundamentals and introductory tactics, techniques, and procedures. Here in this course, you will lea...

Clearing Your Tracks On Linux

Clearing Your Tracks On Linux(在Linux上清除您的痕迹) Demo: Clearing Your Tracks On Linux(演示:在Linux上清除您的痕迹) If you are transferring files onto a Linux target system, transfer them into the /tmp directory. F...

Clearing Your Tracks On Windows

Clearing Your Tracks On Windows(清除Windows上的痕迹) The exploitation and post-exploitation phases of a penetration test involves actively engaging with target systems and the data that is stored on thes...


Pivoting Pivoting Pivoting is a post exploitation technique that involves utilizing a compromised host that is connected to multiple networks to gain access to systems within other networks. After...

Dumping & Cracking Linux Password Hashes

Dumping & Cracking Linux Hashes Dumping & Cracking Linux Password Hashes Linux Password Hashes Linux has multi-user support and as a result, multiple users can access the system simultaneou...


什么时候我才能穿上Abaya,戴上hijab,自由地走进清真寺礼拜,在洁白如雪的沙滩上奔跑呢? 原文 夏天的感觉是去皇城清真寺完成主麻日的功课。是在明媚的阳光下,栖身于书架的荫蔽中翻阅着《古兰经》的宁静。是感受膝盖,手和额头与祈祷毯接触的刹那,与大地连结的永恒。我虽然很内向胆小,一直担心自己因为不熟练而在礼拜中出现失误,也一直因为自己的并非主流的信仰伊斯兰的民族而有所顾虑。我曾经因为这些心理...

Dumping & Cracking NTLM Hashes

Dumping & Cracking Windows Hashes Dumping & Cracking NTLM Hashes Windows Password Hashes The Windows OS stores hashed user account passwords locally in the SAM (Security Accounts Manager) d...

Persistence Via Cron Jobs

Linux Persistence Persistence Via Cron Jobs Linux implements task scheduling through a utility called Cron. Cron is a time-based service that runs applications, scripts and other commands repeatedl...