Client-Side Attack Vectors

Posted by r3kind1e on June 19, 2024

Client-Side Attack Vectors 客户端攻击向量

What are Attack Vectors? 什么是攻击向量?

● In the context of penetration testing, an attack vector refers to a path or method used by an attacker to exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses in a system, network, or application.

● Attack vectors are the specific avenues through which an attacker gains unauthorized access, achieves malicious objectives, or compromises the security of a target environment.

● Penetration testers simulate these attack vectors to identify and assess vulnerabilities, measure the effectiveness of security controls, and provide recommendations for improving an organization’s overall security posture.

● 在渗透测试的背景中,攻击向量指的是攻击者用来利用系统、网络或应用程序中的漏洞或弱点的路径或方法。

● 攻击向量是攻击者获得未授权访问、实现恶意目标或破坏目标环境安全的具体途径。

● 渗透测试人员模拟这些攻击向量,以识别和评估漏洞,衡量安全控制的有效性,并为改善组织的整体安全状况提供建议。

Client-Side Attack Vectors 客户端攻击向量

● Here are some of the most common and effective client-side attack vectors used for initial access by attackers or penetration testers:

Social Engineering:

  • Phishing Emails: Deceptive emails with malicious attachments or links to trick users into clicking or downloading malware.
  • Social Media Engineering: Creating fake profiles to connect with users and deceive them into clicking on malicious links or downloading infected content.
  • Pretexting, Baiting, Tailgating: Various tactics used to manipulate users into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that facilitate the attack.



  • 钓鱼电子邮件:带有恶意附件或链接的欺骗性电子邮件,用来诱使用户点击或下载恶意软件。
  • 社交媒体工程:创建假冒个人资料以与用户建立联系,并诱使他们点击恶意链接或下载被感染的内容。
  • 借口设置、诱饵、尾随:各种策略,用于操纵用户泄露敏感信息或执行促进攻击的行为。

Malicious Documents/Payloads:

  • Crafted documents (e.g., Microsoft Office files, PDFs) with embedded macros, scripts, or exploits that execute malicious code upon opening.

Drive-by Downloads:

  • Hosting malicious content or exploit kits on compromised or malicious websites to automatically download and execute malware when users visit the site.

Watering Hole Attacks:

  • Compromising websites frequented by the target audience and injecting malicious code or links to infect visitors’ systems.


  • 设计的文档(例如,Microsoft Office文件、PDF)含有嵌入的宏、脚本或漏洞,打开时执行恶意代码。


  • 在被攻击或恶意网站上托管恶意内容或利用工具包,当用户访问网站时自动下载并执行恶意软件。


  • 攻击目标受众常访问的网站,并注入恶意代码或链接,以感染访问者的系统。

USB-based Attacks:

  • Distributing malware-infected USB drives or devices in public spaces or targeted environments to automatically execute malware when users plug them into their computers.

Exploit Kits:

  • Using automated kits to target vulnerabilities in web browsers, plugins, or other client-side software, streamlining the process of delivering and executing malicious payloads.


  • 在公共场所或目标环境分发感染了恶意软件的USB驱动器或设备,当用户将它们插入电脑时自动执行恶意软件。


  • 使用自动化工具包针对网络浏览器、插件或其他客户端软件的漏洞,简化传递和执行恶意有效载荷的过程。

Browser Exploitation:

  • Exploiting vulnerabilities in web browsers or their components (e.g., plugins, extensions) to execute arbitrary code or perform actions on the victim’s system.


  • 利用网络浏览器或其组件(例如,插件、扩展)中的漏洞来执行任意代码或在受害者系统上执行操作。