
Posted by r3kind1e on May 27, 2023

Host & Network Penetration Testing: Post-Exploitation

Post-exploitation is the final phase of the penetration testing process and consists of the tactics, techniques and procedures that attackers/adversaries undertake after obtaining initial access on a target system. In this course, you will learn about how to perform local enumeration on target systems to identify critical information like the users and groups, credentials and services. You will also learn how to elevate your privileges on Windows and Linux targets, as well as how to maintain access to target systems after compromise.

You will also learn how to dump and crack hashes for the purpose of legitimate authentication or lateral movement.

Furthermore, you will also learn how to perform internal network discovery and how to pivot to systems you have discovered on the target’s internal network.

The objective of this course is to give you in-depth hands-on skills necessary to perform all the tasks that make up the post-exploitation phase of the penetration testing lifecycle.






Course Introduction

Course Topic Overview

  • Introduction to Post-Exploitation
  • Windows Local Enumeration
  • Linux Local Enumeration
  • Transferring Files To Windows & Linux Targets
  • Upgrading Shells
  • Windows Privilege Escalation
  • Linux Privilege Escalation
  • Windows Persistence
  • Linux Persistence
  • Dumping & Cracking Windows Hashes
  • Dumping & Cracking Linux Hashes
  • Pivoting
  • Clearing Your Tracks



  • 后渗透简介
  • Windows 本地枚举
  • Linux 本地枚举
  • 将文件传输到 Windows 和 Linux 目标系统
  • 升级 Shell
  • Windows 权限提升
  • Linux 权限提升
  • Windows 持久化
  • Linux 持久化
  • 转储和破解 Windows 哈希
  • 转储和破解 Linux 哈希
  • 枢纽转移
  • 清除痕迹


  • Basic familiarity with TCP & UDP
  • Basic familiarity with Linux & Windows
  • Basic familiarity with Metasploit


  • 对TCP和UDP的基本了解
  • 对Linux和Windows的基本了解
  • 对Metasploit的基本了解

Learning Objectives

  • Students will get an introduction to the post-exploitation phase of a penetration test.
  • Students will learn how to perform and automate local enumeration on Windows & Linux systems.
  • Students will learn how to transfer files to Windows & Linux targets.
  • Students will get an understanding of how to updrade shells.
  • Students will learn how to elevate privileges on both Windows & Linux systems.
  • Students will learn how to establish persistence on both Windows & Linux systems.
  • Students will learn how to dump & crack Windows & Linux user account hashes.
  • Students will learn how to pivot onto other systems on the target network.
  • Students will leanr how to clear their tracks on both Windows & Linux targets.


  • 学生将了解渗透测试中后渗透阶段的概述。
  • 学生将学习如何在Windows和Linux系统上执行和自动化本地枚举。
  • 学生将学习如何将文件传输到Windows和Linux目标系统。
  • 学生将了解如何升级Shell。
  • 学生将学习如何在Windows和Linux系统上提升权限。
  • 学生将学习如何在Windows和Linux系统上建立持久性。
  • 学生将学习如何转储和破解Windows和Linux用户帐户哈希。
  • 学生将学习如何在目标网络上转移到其他系统。
  • 学生将学习如何清除在Windows和Linux目标系统上的痕迹。

Introduction To Post-Exploitation


Post-exploitation is the final phase of the penetration testing process and consists of the tactics, techniques and procedures that attackers/adversaries undertake after obtaining initial access on a target system.

In other words, post-exploitation involves what you do or have to do once you gain an initial foothold on the target system.

Post-exploitation will differ based on the target operating system as well as the target infrastructure.







The post-exploitation techniques and tools that you can use will depend on what kind of access you have on the system you have compromised as well as how stealthy you have to be.

This ultimately means that you will need to utilize different techniques and tools based on the target operating system and its configuration.

The post-exploitation techniques you can run against the target will need to abide by the rules of engagement agreed upon with the client you are performing the pentest for.

Note: When running post-exploitation techniques, you need to be sure that you have the necessary permissions and rights to modify services, system configurations, perform privilege escalation, delete logs etc.







This diagram outlines the various phases of the penetration testing lifecycle and highlights the post exploitation phase and the techniques that fall under the post-exploitation phase.

Penetration Testing Phases

  • Information Gathering
  • Enumeration
  • Exploitation
  • Post Exploitation
    • Privilege Escalation
    • Maintaining Persistent Access
    • Clear Tracks





  • 信息收集
  • 枚举
  • 利用
  • 后渗透
    • 权限提升
    • 保持持久访问
    • 清除痕迹

Post-Exploitation Methodology

Post-Exploitation Methodology

In order to perform a thorough and complete post-exploitation phase, we need to utilize a structured methodology that encompasses the most important stages of post-exploitation that can be applied during engagements.

This structured, methodological approach ensures that we do not skip/overlook important phases of the post-exploitation phase in addition to providing us with trackable objectives based on each stage.





Post-Exploitation Methodology



  1. Local Enumeration
  2. Transferring Files
  3. Upgrading Shells
  4. Privilege Escalation
  5. Persistence
  6. Dumping & Cracking Hashes
  7. Pivoting
  8. Clearing Tracks


  1. 本地枚举
  2. 文件传输
  3. 升级 Shell
  4. 权限提升
  5. 持久性
  6. 密码哈希破解与转储
  7. 转向攻击
  8. 清除痕迹

Post-Exploitation Methodology

  • Local Enumeration
    • Enumerating System Information
    • Enumerating Users And Groups
    • Enumerating Network Information
    • Enumerating Services
    • Automating Local Enumeration
  • Transferring Files
    • Setting Up A Web Server With Python
    • Transferring Files To Windows Targets
    • Transferring Files To Linux Targets
  • Upgrading Shells
    • Upgrading Command Shells To Meterpreter
    • Spawning TTY Shells
  • Privilege Escalation
    • Identify PrivEsc Vulns
    • Windows PrivEsc
    • Linux PriEsc
  • Persistence
    • Setting Up Persistence On Windows
    • Setting Up Persistence On Linux
  • Dumping & Cracking Hashes
    • Dumping & Cracking Windows Hashes
    • Dumping & Cracking Linux Hashes
  • Pivoting
    • Internal Network Recon
    • Pivoting
  • Clearing Your Tracks
    • Clearing your Tracks On Windows & Linux


  • 本地枚举
    • 枚举系统信息
    • 枚举用户和组
    • 枚举网络信息
    • 枚举服务
    • 自动化本地枚举
  • 文件传输
    • 使用 Python 设置 Web 服务器
    • 将文件传输到 Windows 目标
    • 将文件传输到 Linux 目标
  • 升级 Shell
    • 将命令 Shell 升级为 Meterpreter
    • 生成 TTY Shell
  • 权限提升
    • 识别提权漏洞
    • Windows 提权
    • Linux 提权
  • 持久性
    • 在 Windows 上设置持久性
    • 在 Linux 上设置持久性
  • 转储与破解哈希
    • 转储与破解 Windows 哈希
    • 转储与破解 Linux 哈希
  • 转向攻击
    • 内部网络侦查
    • 转向攻击
  • 清除痕迹
    • 清除痕迹(Windows 和 Linux)