Windows Black Box Penetration Test

Posted by r3kind1e on April 26, 2023

Windows Black Box Penetration Test

Black Box Pentest

A Black box penetration test is a security assessment whereby the penetration tester is not provided with any information regarding the target system or network (NO IP ranges, system information or default credentials are provided).

The objective of a Black box penetration test is to accurately test the security of a system or network as an external unprivileged adversary.

This approach is very useful as it demonstrates how an external attacker with no inside knowledge would compromise a company’s systems or networks.

Windows 黑盒渗透测试


黑盒渗透测试是一种安全评估,渗透测试人员不向其提供有关目标系统或网络的任何信息(不提供 IP 范围、系统信息或默认凭证)。



Penetration Testing Phases

The following diagram outlines the various phases involved in a typical penetration test.


Black Box Methodology:

  • Host discovery
  • Port scanning & enumeration
  • Vulnerability detection/scanning
  • Exploitation
    • Manual
    • Automated
  • Post Exploitation
    • Privilege Escalation
    • Persistence
    • Dumping Hashes

Penetration Testing Phases

  • Information Gathering
  • Enumeration
  • Exploitation
  • Post Exploitation
    • Privilege Escalation
    • Maintaining Persistent Access
    • Clearing Tracks





  • 主机发现
  • 端口扫描和枚举
  • 漏洞检测/扫描
  • 利用
    • 手动
    • 自动化
  • 后期利用
    • 提权
    • 持久化
    • 转储哈希


  • 信息收集
  • 枚举
  • 利用
  • 后期利用
    • 提权
    • 保持持久访问
    • 清理痕迹

Scenario & Scope

You have just begun your first job as a Junior Penetration Tester and have been assigned to assist in performing a penetration test on a client’s network.

The pentest lead has assigned you to gain access/exploit a host running Windows Server 2008.

Your primary objectives are:

  • Identify services running on the target
  • Identify vulnerabilities within the services
  • Exploit these vulnerabilities to obtain an initial foothold

Note: You are permitted to use the Metasploit Framework



渗透测试负责人已指派您访问/利用运行 Windows Server 2008 的主机。


  • 识别目标上运行的服务
  • 识别服务中的漏洞
  • 利用这些漏洞获得初步立足点

注意:您被允许使用 Metasploit 框架