Penetration Testing With The Metasploit Framework

Posted by r3kind1e on November 24, 2022

Penetration Testing With The Metasploit Framework

Penetration Testing With MSF

The MSF can be used to perform and automate various tasks that fall under the penetration testing life cycle.

In order to understand how we can leverage the MSF for penetration testing, we need to explore the various phases of a penetration test and their respective techniques and objectives.

We can adopt the PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard) as a roadmap to understanding the various phases that make up a penetration test and how Metasploit can be integrated in to each phase.

使用 Metasploit 框架进行渗透测试

使用 MSF 进行渗透测试

MSF 可用于执行和自动化属于渗透测试生命周期的各种任务。

为了了解我们如何利用 MSF 进行渗透测试,我们需要探索渗透测试的各个阶段及其各自的技术和目标。

我们可以采用 PTES(渗透测试执行标准)作为路线图,以了解构成渗透测试的各个阶段以及如何将 Metasploit 集成到每个阶段。

Penetration Testing Execution Standard

The Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) is a penetration testing methodology that was developed by a team of information security practitioners with the aim of addressing the need for a comprehensive and up-to-date standard for penetration testing.


渗透测试执行标准 (PTES) 是一种渗透测试方法,由信息安全从业人员团队开发,旨在满足对全面和最新的渗透测试标准的需求。

Penetration Testing Phases

The following diagram outlines the various phases involved in a typical penetration test.




Penetration Testing With MSF

Penetration Testing Phase Metasploit Framework Implementation
Information Gathering & Enumeration Auxiliary Modules
Vulnerability Scanning Auxiliary Modules Nessus
Exploitation Exploit Modules & Payloads
Post Exploitation Meterpreter
Privilege Escalation Post Exploitation Modules Meterpreter
Maintaining Persistent Access Post Exploitation Modules Persistence Modules

使用 MSF 进行渗透测试

渗透测试阶段 Metasploit 框架实施
信息收集和枚举 辅助模块
漏洞扫描 辅助模块 Nessus
漏洞利用 漏洞利用模块和有效载荷
后渗透 Meterpreter
权限提升 后渗透模块 Meterpreter
维护持久性访问 后渗透模块 持久性模块