Metasploit Framework Architecture

Posted by r3kind1e on November 22, 2022

Metasploit Framework Architecture

MSF Architecture

A module in the context of MSF, is a piece of code that can be utilized by the MSF.

The MSF libraries facilitate the execution of modules without having to write the code necessary in order to execute them.


Metasploit 框架架构


MSF 上下文中的模块是 MSF 可以使用的一段代码。

MSF 库有助于模块的执行,而无需编写执行它们所需的代码。

MSF Modules

Exploit - A module that is used to take advantage of vulnerability and is typically paired with a payload.

Payload - Code that is delivered by MSF and remotely executed on the target after successful exploitation. An example of a payload is a reverse shell that initiates a connection from the target system back to the attacker.

Encoder - Used to encode payloads in order to avoid AV detection. For example, shikata_ga_nai is used to encode Windows payloads.

NOPS - Used to ensure that payloads sizes are consistent and ensure the stability of a payload when executed.

Auxiliary - A module that is used to perform additional functionality like port scanning and enumeration.

MSF 模块

Exploit - 用于利用漏洞的模块,通常与有效负载配对。

Payload - 由 MSF 交付并在成功利用后在目标上远程执行的代码。 有效负载的一个示例是反向 shell,它启动从目标系统返回到攻击者的连接。

Encoder - 用于对有效载荷进行编码以避免 AV 检测。 例如,shikata_ga_nai 用于对 Windows 有效负载进行编码。

NOPS - 用于确保负载大小一致,并确保负载在执行时的稳定性。

Auxiliary - 用于执行端口扫描和枚举等附加功能的模块。

MSF Payload Types

When working with exploits, MSF provides you with two types of payloads that can be paired with an exploit:

Non-Staged Payload - Payload that is sent to the target system as is along with the exploit.

Staged Payload - A staged payload is sent to the target in two parts, whereby:

The first part (stager) contains a payload that is used to establish a reverse connection back to the attacker, download the second part of the payload (stage) and execute it.

MSF 负载类型

在处理漏洞利用时,MSF 为您提供了两种类型的可与漏洞利用配对的有效负载:

Non-Staged Payload - 与漏洞利用一起发送到目标系统的有效负载。

分阶段有效载荷 - 分阶段有效载荷分两部分发送到目标,其中:


Stagers & Stages

Stagers - Stagers are typically used to establish a stable communication channel between the attacker and target, after which a stage payload is downloaded and executed on the target system.

Stage - Payload components that are downloaded by the stager.

Stagers & Stages

Stagers - Stagers 通常用于在攻击者和目标之间建立稳定的通信通道,之后在目标系统上下载并执行stage有效负载。

Stage - 由 stager 下载的有效负载组件。

Meterpreter Payload

The Meterpreter (Meta-Interpreter) payload is an advanced multi-functional payload that is executed in memory on the target system making it difficult to detect.

It communicates over a stager socket and provides an attacker with an interactive command interpreter on the system that facilitates the execution of system commands, file system navigation, keylogging and much more.

Meterpreter 载荷

Meterpreter (Meta-Interpreter) 有效载荷是一种高级多功能有效载荷,它在目标系统的内存中执行,因此难以检测。

它通过 stager 套接字进行通信,并为攻击者提供系统上的交互式命令解释器,以便于执行系统命令、文件系统导航、键盘记录等。

MSF File System Structure

The MSF file system is organized in a simple and easy to understand format and is organized into various directories.


MSF 文件系统结构

MSF 文件系统以简单易懂的格式组织,并组织到各种目录中。

MSF Module Locations

MSF stores modules under the following directory on Linux systems:


User specified modules are stored under the following directory on Linux systems:


MSF 模块位置

MSF 将模块存储在 Linux 系统的以下目录下:


用户指定的模块在 Linux 系统上存储在以下目录下:


Demo: MSF File System Structure(演示:MSF 文件系统结构)

Navigate to MSF default stored directory:


File Browser: File System->usr->share->metasploit-framework->modules


Perform infomation gathering:

/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/encoders/x86/shikata_ga_nai.rb # used to encode Windows payload

Load your own customer module. View->Show Hidden Files (Ctrl+H)

kali@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework$ cd modules/
kali@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules$ ls